but now that i'm a wedding planner, that love for typography has found its place in my life. i go crazy when a bride asks me for a font suggestion, or even just asks me what i think of the typeface she plans to use for her invite. it excites me to no end.
the one thing i always tell my brides is not to settle for just any typeface. i don't know how many times i've seen shelley volante used as a wedding invitation font, and honestly, there has got to be something better! formal romantic script isn't just limited to the shelley volantes and andantes of this world. there are so many other fonts with so much more character and history.
my current favorite is hannibal lecter which i used at my own wedding. okay, so it may not be the most reader-friendly font there is, but really, it reeks of character. i used it again for my calling card, and just asked my graphic designer to tweak the F a little bit so that my name correctly read Fong, instead of well, Jong.
bottomline is dear brides, take your time, do your research and choose your fonts wisely. there are more than enough typefaces in this world for you to be able to pick one that communicates your wedding theme in a classy and elegant way, and isn't overused. remember that this is something you don't have even have to pay for. it's completely free, and simply choosing the right one does wonders for the simplest of wedding invites.
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