today we turn 1. this time last year, i was sitting in my hotel room sighing heavily telling myself, “here goes nuthin’.”.

so i thought i’d blog about the year that’s passed. quite a number of surprises and firsts, i must say. when you decide to get married, you only THINK you’ve thought of everything that might possibly come your way. i didn’t know jack.
coming from as sheltered (spoiled) an upbringing as mine, seriously, i had no idea what i was in for. here’s a list of only some of them:
1. bills - okay this may be the first thing you know you’re going to deal with when you get hitched. but by golly, why are they so many?!! water bills, electricity bills, grocery bills, internet bills, cable tv bills, credit card bills, house repair bills, car repair bills, car gas bills, cooking gas bills, purified water bills -- billz billz billz!!! no wonder they call the first year the paper anniversary! invoices comin’ at cha’ and peso bills comin’ outta’ ya. what’s a newlywed to do?
(oh and speaking of paper anniversary, check out what my best friend gave us for our first year. kasi daw it's paper. errrrr-right.)

2. power outage - yes, you read correctly, power outage. and by this, i don’t mean brown-out. i mean, no.electricity.coming.into.our. house.WHATSOEVER. apparently, the branch of a tree outside had been growing into the electric cable wires, go figure. definitely not a breaker issue if there’s no power even getting to the breaker.
but now, a change in status: married home owner with dog. will personally handle power failure.
(by the way, i will have you know that i’ve been quite impressed with meralco. they have 24-hour service and they show up within 2-4 hours of your call. it’s amazing really. sa meralco, may liwanag nga ang buhay. call 16211.)
3. dog hair - it is ENDLESS. our vacuum cleaner had NO IDEA he would have to ingest so much of it! it's just all over the place. and within 5 minutes of vacuuming, it magically reappears!
and then there's dog food. dog soap. dog treats. doggie breath (good god). dog hair in my nose. dog desperately needing to mark his territory early in the morning. dog wanting to play. dog liking his milk. dog hair on the bed. dog loving his pillow. dog needing to be neutered. dog nerve-wracked at the thought of a bath. dog hair clogging the drain. dog running after the neighbors. dog getting laid. dog dog dog. everything dog.
but what can i tell ya', we love our mister miyagi. he's the closest thing we have to a child (and bodyguard), so in a big way, we'd feel empty inside if we didn't have him to parent.
4. dishes - considering there’s only 2 of us eating in this house, man do we rack up ‘em dishes. you’d think the dog was eating off of a plate too.
since we’ve decided to live the american life (in the philippines lang nga), we have no maids. in an effort to be in control of our own lives and our own house, we do every single thing ourselves. not only does it save us money, but it keeps us on our toes. ironically, even if there’s so much more for us to do compared to if we had help in the home, the set-up keeps us both more efficient. our minds are constantly multi-tasking and well-exercised. it makes us both productive, not only in the house but with everything else in our lives. of course, we’re both also more exhausted but an average of 4-6 hours of sleep a day never killed anyone. (or has it?)
just the same, we’re both pleasantly surprised at how quickly we’ve adjusted to this lifestyle. my dad still finds it weird seeing us mop the kitchen floors and wash dishes like clockwork after they come for a dinner visit. his thought bubble reads: never in a million years...
(incidentally, we love dazz dishwashing paste. it bubbles! thank you lamoiyan corp.)

5. realty taxes - whyyyyy i say. whyyyyyy do we need to constantly pay a corrupt government to live on land we already bought? whyyyyyyy. this one, i COMPLETELY did not factor in. i mean, thank you dear parents for the gift of land and home. we couldn’t be more grateful. but realty taxes are just the bane of my existence. every quarter, the village circular comes in saying it’s THAT time of the year -- UGH. oh and for those of you who will be living in a house you're buying, you pay for taxes on the structure and separate taxes on the land -- all dependent on whatever area you’re living in. sorry if i may be telling you something you already know, but i seriously knew zilch about realty taxes before this.
6. a broken faucet - repairs!!! why must owning a house come with so many repairs?!? and why is there no end to it? first it’s a door that expanded due to the weather. then it’s a leak in the ceiling, due to the weather. then it’s 5 leaks in the ceiling, due to the weather. then it’s bulbs that popped, possibly from said leaks in the ceiling, due to the weather. then it’s a power outage. you know the rest.

7. pest control - need i say more?
8. adult decisions - this is probably one of the saddest events of my first year married: we decided to sell kenya, my BMW, because the cost of upkeep was just ridiculous! that car meant so much to me because my dad gave her to me the year i came home from the US. (i refused it at first, i swear.)
so when you get married, you sell things. because you start from scratch. you sacrifice now to enjoy later. you realize you have no business living the lifestyle you used to, so you follow russell peters’ advice -- you “bee a men and dew d’ right ting.”
marc knew how sad i was to let kenya go. and i appreciate that. i know he’d get her back for me if he could. somehow, that’s enough.
9. village circulars - get your village ID picture taken. attend our recycling seminar. join the garage sale. cover your trash to keep from attracting stray cats. reminder: 1-15th, park on this side. 16-31st, park on that side.
home ownership is really not my thing. the other day, we got a message from the association secretary saying that the village board would like to come over to our house and welcome us. ummm, how do i say this -- uh, no? well not unless they're bringing cookies. seriously.
to be honest, part of me thought it was a nice warm gesture and i should be more open. but another part of me also thought that it was really a home inspection DISGUISED as a welcome visit, to see if they can fine us for any structure violations. haha. i am so paranoid. but really, the husband and i are not ”village people”. i wish we were, then we’d find our neighbors to be lovely creatures i'm sure. but we’re cave people, if you will. is that so bad?
looking at everything i’ve written so far, you'd think that our first year married was filled with nothing but bills and chores, and that i hated it. nothing could be farther from the truth. so what if we bathed the dog ourselves? we nearly died laughing when i accidentally wiped my face with the dog towel. and so what if the power dies on us every now and then. we’re stuck in the dark together underneath a leaking ceiling. it's scary. it's hilarious. it's frakking wonderful.